Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I Love You, My Adorable Boy

I'm so happy to be able to scrap (and of course blog) today..  Have lots of great pictures that are waiting for me to be "scrapped".. Unfortunately, I'm almost always tired when I come home from work.. and I try to spend as much time as possible with my son on weekends..

Anyway, today I'm on leave as my son has got the colds and I wanted to take care of him..  so while he was sleeping, I was able to steal some time to scrap!:)  Haha!

Here's what I came up with:



Friday, February 10, 2012

Let's Get Sketchy!

I'm actually writing this blog with mixed emotions..

I'm a bit sad because it's been a while since I've scrapped..  and I really miss it SO MUCH!  Ironically, now that I have my son to scrap about, I don't scrap as much as I want to..  not for the lack of inspiration, but lack of time!  Between work, chores, and my son, the little time I have left for myself, I spend sleeping!  LoL!!

I'm also happy.. because I just learned about this new sketch site: Let's Get Sketchy! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE sketch sites!  Like I always say, I still consider myself as a newbie when it comes to scrapbooking.. especially in making LOs!  Hence, sketches are really helpful and inspirational for me.. And I just can't wait to try out the nice sketches at Let's Get Sketchy!:)

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To Ms. Brensheiva, congratulations on your new site!  I wish you all the best and success.. Can't wait to share with you the LOs I make using your sketches..:)
